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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  November 2, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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talk in that neighborhood. what are they doing ting that them down claudine? >> reporter: residents aren't taking this lying down. their mail started disappearing late last week. they got together for what they called operation mail thief. there is a lot of surveillance cameras in this neighborhood and everyone turned them on. they also put up the flags on their mailboxes and this is what they caught. a man and a woman driving by multiple homes opening up the mailboxes, taking the mail and taking off and in some cases the car didn't even slow down as the person jumped back into the car. and they made a getaway. neighbors say they are pretty upset about what they saw in this video. >> they may not have come into our house, but they have attacked a portion of our house. and we feel violated. >> reporter: so they put up this video to try to get it word out and help police track down who is responsible for
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this. they certainly not happy that their mail is being taken. . they have been targeted for checks and other things they put in the mail. they may not have a license plate. so certainly the images may help track down the people. in the meantime there is a couple of things that police and the postal service are telling people to do. don't put your outgoing mail in your mailbox. and if you're going to be away make sure you put a hold on it. if you know anything about what happened here give police a call. live in fairfield claudine wong. a san jose man is lucky to be alive thanks to his dog who helped save him from his burning home. the fire happened on ivy creek circle just before 9:00 last night. the dog kept barking waking up the man who then took three of his dogs and ran from the house. one of his dogs was not able to get out and did die in the fire. firefighters are trying to find
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out what caused the fire. time now 5:01. in 30 minutes from now the government's employment report came out. it is the last one before next tuesday's presidential election. coming up at 5:15 what economists predict the october jobs report will say and how both president obama and mitt romney are expected to spend the result -- spin the results. new poll is out suggesting the race for the white house is still neck and neck. the washington post tracking poll shows 49% of likely voters nation-wide support president obama. while 48% say they support republican challenger mitt romney. now to our continuing coverage of sandy. it has killed at least 157 people in the u.s., canada, and the caribbean combined. 4.5million homes and businesses are still without power. that is also deepening the ongoing gap crisis out there. it has forced many gas stations to close while disrupting the flow of fuel from refineries to the stations that are open.
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the wait at some stations two hours long. new jersey trying to make sure sandy does not ruin tuesday's election. military trucks will serve as polling places in flood ravage communities. the state is concerned many of its 3,000 polling places do not have electricity. the deadline to mail in ballot applications has been extended until the end of today. the bay area increasing its efforts to help the storm victims out east. dozens of military personnel left travis air force pace yesterday. they are bringing in much needed supplies including generators. more than three dozen local red cross volunteers are heading to the northeast. they are also have been conducting blood drives for victims of sandy. time now 5:03. oakland police have help keeping streets safe. chp officers are on patrol. almost a dozen officers right there headed out on the street. governor jerry brown ordered
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the patrols after community leaders made a desperate plea for help. oakland business owners are grateful for that help. >> and it's worse than it has ever been. it's very violent. kids. you don't know what to expect when you go outside. >> chp won't say where the officers will patrol or how long this assignment would last, but previous partnerships with oakland police have lasted as long as 90 days. san francisco police plan to increase their presence in the mission district this is after arenites rise in gang violence. the extra officers will patrol problem areas near the 16th street and 24th street bart stations. there have been four homicides there in the last two weeks. cities also giving an extra $30,000 toward gang prevention programs. time is 5:04. i think this morning we don't -- i know we don't have rain. i don't think we have much fog to deal with for the commute. >> yeah, i think we are starting off pretty well. we will check in with our
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meteorologist steve paulson in a moment. the roads look pretty good. let's take a look at 80 westbound. it's a nice looking start from vallejo to berkeley. it has been nice. and of course we always keep an eye on this because sometimes things go wrong. right now things are still doing pretty welcoming into san francisco. if you are driving in san jose northbound 280 traffic off to a good start. i would be very happy if it stayed this way. weather is actually cooperating. speaking of the weather let's go to steve. >> it is indeed. although a little patchy fog. generally you want calm conditions and clear skies. we have mostly clear skies. this system coming in this will disrupt the fog a little bit. north bay down to the virginia lyonnais valley and popping up in the east bay as well. if you see anything you can always tweet me. i love the reports that come in. higher clouds dying system. there is not much too it. it will just fall apart. when you see them come in like this they are toppling over that means they are losing
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their energy source. areas of dense fog. not as wide spread. low visibility on some of that though. quarter mile orless. dry forecast today and saturday. increasing high clouds is it. and sunny side up and much warmer as we go into the weekend. 40s for some. santa rosa 43. other day we had temperatures 59. a lot of 40s including concord in there. san jose is close and mountain view. a lot of the clouds will take aim toward the north bay and cape mendocino north as it falls apart. we have to deal with it for today. after that high pressure builds in. that means temperatures will be on the way up. mostly sunny patchy fog. very mild temps. highs today will be in the 60s to near 70 degrees. it's the bigger jump will be on the temps will be tomorrow and then into sunday. set the clocks back one hour. upper 70s to near 80s. monday looks to be record setting territory with very warm temps and nice on election day. 5:06 is the time.
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happening now a small group of people lined up outside the apple store in palo alto. they are waiting to buy the new ipad mini which goes on sale today. janine de la vega is in palo alto with a noticeably different response to apples late east gadget. >> reporter: yeah there is. first let me show you what the new apple store looks like. you can see it's completely black vail here in front of the store because they're trying to hide it from the public and then they have a sign out here displaying the ipad mini because that is the featured product this morning. we weren't sure what keep of response the ipad mini was going to get. you can see these are apple faithful fans. there is only four people in line. here's the first one. we will be talking to them in just a bit. it's the first venture into the smaller tablet market. analysts think consumers may be slow to warm up to it. its priced much higher at $329
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for the basic wi-fi version. compare that to the amazon kindle fire and google nexxus 7 which which is priced near the $200 range. you told me you got in line at 2:00 a.m.. why are you doing that? who is it important to you? >> if you come here at 2:00 you get in line early, then you are sure to get the product. the ipad mini will be a great device. if i don't get here and all sold out it will be a two week wait. >> reporter: are you surprised of not very many people in line? >> i come out for all the launches in this. last time the ipad was launched it was long. a couple weeks later it was the cellular version. they have all the different products they get set up for
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christmas time. so it's smaller but you know what i can't risk it. i have to be early. >> reporter: definitely apple enthusiast. thank you for speaking to us and back out here live. apple employee just came out and spoke to the small group of people telling them they will have coffee for them within the next hour. they are also besides the ipad mini they will have the fourth generation ipad on sale. some people plan on buying that too. we'll monitor the situation as the morning goes on. reporting live from palo alto janine de la vega. >> thank you. time now 5:09. when it comes to the lottery they say you've got to play to win, but one woman learned another lesson. how she almost missed out on a $23 million jackpot. plus more discoveries several weeks after that fire ball was seen overs bay area. the spot where meteorites have been found. good morning, westbound 237 the traffic is moving pretty well. we'll tell you more about the
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morning commute straight ahead.
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time now 5:12. happening right now the space shuttle atlantis there it is on its journey to retirement. these are live pictures and we are really up close. this is the kennedy space center in florida. atlantis just started a very slow ten mile journey to the visitors complex. this will take all day long. it will include stops along the way for a special ceremony and
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also a public viewing. atlantis by the way is the last space shuttle to leave the area. the discovery left for the smithsonian in washington in virginia really in april. endeavour came here to california. it flew over the bay area as you know in september. four meteorites have been found in novato. all from that fire ball last month. uc berkeley geology student found this one. another meteorite was found nearby. the first was found two weeks ago in novato pleasant valley neighborhood. the second one was found two miles from there. a new lawsuit claims the san mateo man is dead because of a slow response by pg&e to turn off the power. the lines fell on to 55-year- old enrique's home back in april. records show that he walked outside after he heard an explosion and was shocked by the power lines. his family is now seeking
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unspecified damages. pg&e is calling his death a tragic accident. the cost of the months long shut down of the nuclear plant in southern california has climbed to $317 million. that is according to eddison international. the parent company of the plant operator eddison said it spent $96 million on repairs and $221 million to purchase replacement power. the plant's operator says it's not clear if the plant steam generators can ever be repaired. 5:14. a monthly jobs report comes out this morning and this could impact the presidential race. ktvu alison burns is in our washington, d.c. newsroom to tell us how this could shake up the race with four days until election day. alison. >> reporter: dave, it's a neck and neck contest between president obama and mitt romney
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so any big change in the job situation could certainly influence the coveted undecided voters. economists are forecasting 125,000 jobs were add the last month and the unemployment rate picked up to 7.9% because more people were looking for work. president obama who campaigns in ohio today is using his financial stump speech say the economy son the right track and he needs four more years to keep the momentum going. >> right now we could be putting more folks back to work right now. fixing roads and bridges. expanding broad band to rural neighborhoods. making sure our schools are state of the art. let's put americans back to work doing the work that needs to be done. >> reporter: but mitt romney is trying to make the closing argument that is the recovery could be much better with him in the white house and he's ridiculing one of the president's recent suggestions to consolidate federal agencies that deal with this. >> we don't need a secretary of business to understand business, we need a president
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who understands business and i do. >> reporter: i'll have reaction to the jobs report during my next update. reporting live from washington, d.c. alison burns ktvu channel 2 news. time now 5:shh 15. a poll shows a shift on how californias will vote on prop 34. the proposed repeal of the death penalty. a poll shows the sudden rise in support. 45% of likely voters saying they will vote yes. 38% saying thatly vote no. 17% of voters are still undecided. prop 34 would eliminate the death penalty in california and replace it with life in prison without the possibility of parole. supporters of prop 34 say keeping hundreds of inmates on death row costs california millions of dollars every year. they also point to cases where people convicted of murder are later found to be innocent. now critics of prop 34 call it a slap in the face to the
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family's of murder victims. >> what are you doing right now? >> coming up at 5:145 how a grown up of bay area students are trying to encourage other young people to take an interest in the upcoming election. today we'll learn more about a palm dale woman knowingly sat on a winning lottery ticket for months. time was running out to claim the $23 million jackpot so the california lat lottery released this surveillance photo hoping someone would recognize this mystery woman. well it worked. the woman's daughter saw the picture in a newspaper and showed it to her mother. turns out the ticket from a may drawing was in the woman's car the whole time. lottery spokeswoman said the woman never checked to see if it was a winner. >> good thing she doesn't clean out her car. i just vacuum it up. >> wow. time now 5:17. sal, we're going to throw it to you. >> hold on i need to go out to my car. [ laughter ] >> yeah go check your receipts. >> let's take a look at what we
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have now. traffic is moving along pretty well. let's go out to san francisco and check out northbound 101. getting top the 80 split looks pretty good be no problems in southbound 101 as you can see it's a nice looking drive. also the morning commute on the san mateo and dumbarton bridge looking good to the peninsula in case you get to san francisco airport. it should be a nice drive to you. in san jose the traffic looks good getting up to the -- on to the peninsula on 101. we just talked about that. across the bay in hayward it's a nice drive. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. a very happy friday morning. we do have patchy fog forming. livermore is reporting fog. napa airport. santa rosa. tends to pop up here. patchy fog much, much cooler hire. we are seeing a lot of 40s on the temps. sun and clouds. there will be more cloud cover to the north. mild temps but again the days are getting very, very, very short and will get shorter by sunday. everything after saturday says sunny and warmer weather.
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you can see the higher clouds but there is a lot of holes in the system that is falling apart and heading north. the recent rain i would rather see clear skies but there is some showing up. even some of the higher clouds. you get the radiation the tooly fog. temperature drops and meets the dew point. when they come together poof. that is where you get the fog. that's what we are seeing right now. 40s or very, very low 50s. it's a good 10-15-degrees cooler than for some. the higher clouds are marching into the ridge of high pressure. ly tell you they don't have much of a chance. yes, whether get a lot of high clouds as you can see this takes us through this afternoon. most of that. i think it's a little overdone here. there will be breaks in those clouds. take it into saturday. look at the rain line maybe ukiah north i would say maybe. mostly sunny, partly cloudy to the north. mild temps. 60s to low, low 70s. and than high pressure says i think i'll come in for that. set your clocks back one hour sunday and enjoy the sunny warm
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weather. european investors seem to be waiting for the u.s. jobs report for october comes out in just about ten minutes. the major market index is there are mixed right now. overnight nearly all the asian markets closed with gains. hong kong, japan, and south korea all finished the day up more than 1%. investor there is encouraged by signs the global recovery is stabilizing especially in china and the u.s.. checking in on our numbers little of the mixed picture for the futures as well. again the jobs report this is a final one before the presidential election and it is supposed to be pivotal in that election. the dow and nasdaq and s & p posted gains. but again about ten minutes will determine which direction we head today. time now 5:20. now he has an extra $4 billion. what movie legend george lucas will do with the money he is getting for selling his film company to disney. and another benefit to
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exercising. how it can help your brain function.
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they're just a few of the californians who took it on themselves to send you a message about what they need to restore years of cuts to their schools. prop thirty-eight. thirty-eight raises billions in new revenue - bypasses sacramento and sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our local schools... every school. for them. for all of us. vote yes on thirty-eight.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. time now 5:23. canadian researcher says exercise is good for more than just your heart. they say overweight and sudden tear results that started an exercise program also increased their brain function. one of the researchers says new
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research says 2.5 hours of moderate exercise can help people feel and think better. traffic will be heavy near uc berkeley tonight because of the school's first ever friday night football game. cal hosts the university of washington at 6:00 tonight. several streets near the university will be closed. if you're heading to downtown berkeley or the game be advised to take public transportation if you can. there will also be a shuttle service from the rock ridge bart station and the shuttling from the berkeley marie that. time now 5:24. students at san jose state university are pushing to get more young people to vote in tuesday's election. last night they held a get out the vote event for a demographic that traditionally is not real interested in politics. students were standing outside trying to get others to come in. get excited about voting. >> voting this year was very important to me. i was excited. i sent in my ballot. i'm excited for the whole election day.
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>> the public policy institute of california says 19% of the people under the age of 25 are likely voters. that compares to 74% of those 65 and older. a nurses strike ends this morning at several hospitals around the bay area. it will be several more days before striking nurses can return to work. >> we say fight back. >> striking nurses walked off the job angry over proposed cuts to sick leave and higher health care costs. but it says it provide excellent pay and the hospital has put out its best and final offer. they have hired replacement nurses and says striking nurses can return to work on tuesday at 7:00 a.m.. star wars creator george lucas is not going to keep all the proceeds from his sale of lucas film to disney. his company released the statement saying most of the cash and stocks will go to charity. lucas is not saying yet which foundations will get the proceeds but he already has an
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educational foundation set up. he's also made large donations to the usc film school where he was a student. 5:25 is the time. let's check in with sal. what are you keeping an eye on? >> all the commutes look good. but we are looking at everything just to make sure. the weather as you mentioned earlier really is helping us out. we don't have a lot of fog or lot of rain. so it's going to be a nice drive for example on 280 getting up to highway 17. so the traffic looks good. so far on this friday morning. if you are driving on interstate 680 the sunol grade that looks fine. and we've been checking 580 livermore. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. we do have some fog out there. sonoma county airport. santa rosa and livermore saying patchy fog. higher clouds will kind of take aim more toward the north bay. it will be mostly sunny today and partly cloudy to the north. a chilly morning. 40s will give way to 60s and low 70s. but we have a lot of sunshine and low temps.
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thank you. 5:26 is the time. more problems for victims of hurricane sandy. there is another powerful storm headed their way. a political storm continues to brew in san francisco. the new ad targeting a supervisor who voted to give sheriff ross mirkarimi back his job. we are live in san francisco where police need your help in finding a bicyclist who brutally attacked a muni agent. we'll show you the video coming up.
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good morning, to you. welcome back. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. it's a pam cook day. it's a friday, november 2nd i'm dave clark. >> and i'm pam cook. [ laughter ] it is now 5:30. get to turn that clock back this weekend too. >> boy, do we ever. >> looking forward to that. >> the three of us will be leading that parade. we have mostly clear skies. it's definitely chilly. a lot of 40s, patch you fog. the higher clouds will be to the north bay. 60s to near 70 degrees. right now highway 4 looks pretty good coming up to the grade. there are no major problems. it is already getting a little busy in antioch as usual. also this mornings drive looks pretty good. let's go back to the desk. san francisco police have released surveillance video in hopes of catching the man responsible for a brutal assault. ktvu tara moriarty joins us now
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in san francisco with details of the attack that happened inside a muni station. tara. >> reporter: well, a top muni official called it unconsciousable. beating up a muni agent who was merely trying to do his job. it happened right behind us here at the corn ore of market and vaness avenues. it was taken october 10th at 7:40 at night. you can see a man with a bicycle and he has just ignored an agents request. jumped over the pay gates and walking toward the train platform. the muni agent chases after him and says no bikes allowed. he turns around and kicks and punches the agent. the agent is 55 years old and suffered serious injuries and not been able to return to work. this all happened again at 7:40 at night and the suspect last seen here at the corn ore of vaness and market. that suspect is described as a white man between 25 and 30 years old. about six feet tall and 180
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pounds. it looks like he has some sort of a moe hawk hair style. police hope by releasing this video someone will recognize him and come forward. our time now 5:31. it may be six more weeks now until hayward police get the lab results back. they were performed on a bone fragment that may lead to some closure in the case of a missing girl from hayward. makayla went missing back in 1988. a three inch bone believed to belong to her was found in a well where victims of the speed freak killers are said to be buried. a fragment was sent to a lab in arizona for testing. officials say there was some kind of holdup. on november 19th, the people say they will gather in front of the market where makayla was kidnapped 24 years ago. san francisco supervisor christina olangie who voted to reinsate sheriff ross mirkarimi well ktvu learned ivory madison
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recorded an ad an ad you may recall madison first told police about the new years eve fight between sheriff mirkarimi and his wife. in that ad madison says she thought the reporting sheriff mirkarimi would protect women but says the system didn't work. the last thing the east coast needs is another storm but forecasters are predicting a nor'easter around election day. now while it won't come close to the size of sandy, it could dump snow in new england and new york and bring rain to the mid atlantic states. many people still without power there and winds could reach 40 miles an hour. damage from sandy now estimated at $50 million. it's the second costly storm in the u.s. behind hurricane katrina. coming up at 5:45 we'll have a live report from new jersey. we'll hear from victims of sandy as they put their lives
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back together. more aid from california is headed to the east coast. the southern california utility company is sending about 70 trucks and 120 employees to help restore power to the battered region. two cargo planes filled with supplies and bay area personnel left yesterday. time now 5:33. breaking new. highly anticipated jobs report just came out. it's showing 171,000 jobs were added last month. that is more than economists predicted. unemployment rate for october was 7.9%. that is up from 7.8% in september. we'll have much more about the jobs report coming up in ten minutes. also at 6:15 our washington, d.c. newsroom will report about the political impact of the jobs report just four days before the presidential election. the moraga school district filed legal pictures accusing a child sex abuse victim of contributing to the abuse.
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current swim coach kristin is suing the district and three former administer tour -- administrators for failing to protect her from two middle school teachers in the 1990s. it claims she was careless and negligent in and responsible for the abuse. district attorney says the freezes are necessary at the start of such a case. 5:35. happening right now apple fans they are camped outside of an apple store in palo alto right now. janine de la vega is there. they are waiting for the new ipad mini to go on sale. good morning, janine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. they sure are. you can see there is a small group of people waiting outside the apple store. we counted there is about nine people in line. they have their lawn chairs and apple products. they are all waiting to get their hands on the ipad mini. here's the new palo alto store on university avenue. they have their black curtains
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up. and i put my ear up to the door and you can hear loud music playing. it sounds like there is a party going on. around the world people lined up to buy the ipad mini. this is what it looked like in asia in south korea. they gave out hand warmers for people that were waiting if line. when the store opened there was a lot of high fives and hugs. it may take people awhile to warm up to the idea of apple smaller tablet. it's priced at $329 for the basic version and $459 for the cellular version which is higher than the competitors amazon and google who also sell tablet. going to talk to one of the people waiting here in line. this is jeff wank you are from saratoga. you are waiting in likeline not for yourself but for who and why? >> for my wife and daughter. because my wife and daughter
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both love apple products. they have iphone, ipad, everything. so since the ipad mini. it's handy. they love it. my wife is just buy two. one for each. >> reporter: you said it was for your daughter's weekend coming up this weekend. >> her birthday is on the fourth. deaf netly i want to have -- definitely i want to have it ready. i try to order online but it could take two weeks for shipping. >> reporter: okay, thank you for speaking with us. he was telling us a little bit earlier that he actually came here at 10:00 last night. didn't see anybody in line but then when he came back at around 2:30 there was one person who beat him to the line. the doors here at the palo alto store will open up at 8:00 a.m.. besides ipad mini they will also sell the new fourth generation ipad. reporting live from palo alto janine de la vega. >> that is a good dad. >> good husband and dad.
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>> yeah. daughter's birthday coming up. there he is. time is 5:37. traffic is pretty smooth? >> it is. we don't have a lot going on when it comes to the traffic which is nice. let's take a look at what we have now. we will see that the traffic on 80 looks pretty good. and steve did mention there is fog in some place bus it's not here right now on the east shore freeway. it's looking pretty good here as you drive it to the mccarthur maze. bay bridge toll plaza that traffic looks pretty good. no major problems here coming to the bay bridge. also been check out the east bay. hayward to union city that traffic looks very nice in the santa clara valley. we are offer to a very nice start. and like wise for the peninsula. a little bit of slowing on highway 1 as you drive toward pacifica. 5:38 let's go to steve. >> thank you. we have mostly clear to partly cloudy skies. the higher clouds are move into the north bay. it looks like that will be the
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line. mostly fair to mostly sunny south. some of that fog has developed. there is a lot of holes in this system. and it's definitely riding north and it is not favorable for any rain unless you are ukiah north. areas of dense fog though. now again clear skies and no breeze at all would be ideal conditions. with the nights being so long. this is the inland fog. the tooly fog as we like to say. visibility could be lousy. it's a dry forecast all the way into the weekend. for those that need to know, next friday looks like a very cold wet system. that is next friday. but the higher clouds will be with us today and tomorrow. you get radiation fog is what we call it. the recent rain that helps set everything up. the dew point is to keep temperatures at which condensation would occur. santa rosa 43. napa is 45. livermore 50 if they didn't have that fog it would be colder than that.
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even 49 at the oakland airport pap lot of high clouds here. again when they topple in over that you can see the breaks. this is the computer model generated forecast. it will not be this bullish. i guarantee it. some of the higher clouds will move in. so the north bay could go mostly cloudy. i think the south would be mostly sunny and partly cloudy. high temps will really start to warm up sunday. mostly sunny to partly cloudy to the north. and then temperatures remember we are starting off much cooler and don't have as many hours of daylight. 60 to low 70s. after saturday set your clocks back one hour and warmer record highs on monday. problems from a sewage spill in the north bay. why we know that nasty problem out there is worse than first thought. the cia is defending its response to the libya consulate attack. the report said intelligence officials are denying. good morning, westbound highway 4 that traffic looks pretty good.
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we'll tell you more about the morning commute and the bay weather.
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good morning. a lot of high clouds. patchy fog but overall partly cloudy to the north. mostly sunny south. welcome back. good morning, to you. here's a quick look at the top stories we are follows for you right now at 5:43. police in fairfield searching for a man and woman caught right there on tape stealing mail. police think they are probably looking for gas, gift cards or trying to steal someone's identity. san francisco police released this surveillance video of a muni station agent being attacked. that agent was seriously hurt and has not returned to work. apple fans are up early
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this morning so they could be among the first to buy the new ipad mini. a small crowd is lined up outside the palo alto store right now. the ipad mini goes on sale at 8:00 this morning. there is new information about the september attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. the cia is denying reports it delayed rescue reports. cia security officers were acceptability within 25 minutes after the first call for help. fox news reported that security teams were told to stand down but officials say no such orders were given. that attack by what is now suspected to be a grown up of al qaeda linked militants killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three other americans. a tourist in san mateo county made a gruesome discovery when he spotted a body. deputies said the tourist was looking outside his hotel window when he saw the body and called for help. the man is believed to be in his mid 30s.
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deputies say no signs of trauma. time now 5:44 the latest for you on the east coast super storm sandy the losses are mounting. both in money and in casualties. our reporter jennifer davis is joining us live in ocean city, new jersey where hundreds of homes were wiped out. so jennifer, we're looking behind you what is the latest? >> reporter: hi there, dave. what has happened here is interesting. take a look at the ground. there is 18 inches of sand here on the ground. as far as the eye can see. anureses kept said it's like it snowed but it's not going to melt and go away on its own. it really does stretch at least a quarter to half a mile down there. that is as far as i can see. they tell us the dunes broke here very early monday morning. and then it was an on slot of sand throughout the day. getting through here is very treacherous. a dump truck that was trying to
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help the situation got stucked in middle of that block. they did have a drying cur cue -- driving curfew in place. we are not seeing a lot of residents coming through. it's mostly work crews. we are just about a block not even right off the beach right there. it's a beautiful day out there on the water. it's sunny. and it's certainly helpful it's getting a tiny bit warmer. people are very carefully watching the forecast and concerned about the nor'easter that is supposed to hit the region. >> >> i saw people walking behind you. are they saying they are optimistic or planning to rebuild? what are they saying? >> reporter: pretty much everyone out here with us this morning is a contractor of some sort. or they are city workers. so down there you are seeing the front loaders. those are all city employees. right here a lot of these folks bringing in all of this equipment these are folks from pennsylvania that came up hoping to get work helping people rebuild things. so certainly there is a focus
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on rebuilding. people are being warned look make sure if a contractor neocons your door they are licensed and legit. but for all of these contractors it's certainly a chance for employment which is a good thing. you know, it does make you reassured they are jumping right on the rebuilding part, but when you look at how much there is to do, you realize this is going to be a very long process. >> thanks for the update. we're back here shaking our heads at what you sewed us. jennifer davis live from new jersey, thank you. back here in the bay area a sewage spill in san sell ma is much more. agency is working with marin county to figure out sewage entered the storm rain drain. if you are near dublin you
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can hear loud explosions but nothing to worry. several agent res are using the jail property to conduct training for homeland security procedures. the explosions are likely to be heard between 10:00 this morning and 1:00 this afternoon. time now 5:48. let's check in with sal. it's one of the mornings he likes because so far so good. >> yeah. we are doing pretty well as we look at the main commutes. just to see how busy they are getting. for example the toll plaza that looks pretty good. you can see cars and trucks and everybody moving there pretty well. we're hoping to have a light friday. san francisco the same thing goes. northbound 101 up to the 80 split looks good. on the peninsula if you are driving on 101 or 280 it is still looking very nice. 5:48 let's go to steve.
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>> thank you, sal. we have mostly clear skies. patchy fog. it's not wide spread. a few areas north bay and east bay. you may not encopter any. mostly sunny and partly cloudy mild temps. the bigger warmup will be over the weekend. the higher clouds associating with a dying system. it will track to the north. i don't think it will do much. it's still there and it will give us a lot of high and mid level clouds. farther north you might find -- low visibility could be there for a coupling hours or so -- couple hours or so. it's a dry forecast. increasing higher clouds today into saturday. 40s on the temps. or right at 50. a couple days ago we were near 60 on a low. it's a big difference here. santa rosa at 43 degrees. higher clouds will continue to fall apart but filter in. look for a little bit of a mixed bag today on the higher clouds to the forth. mostly fair, partly cloudy,
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partly sunny. the trend is to warm it up. 60 ann low -- 60s and low, low 70s today. and then get out and enjoy the unseasonally warm weather. it will be very warm sunday. it will be very warm monday. election day looks good. into next week looks very cold and wet. a few minutes ago the labor department reported the october jobless rate inched upwards. it bumped up to 7.9% which is a bit of a surprise. the increase in the unemployment rate may be because people who stopped looking for work are a bit more encouraged and got back into the job market. also on the positive side the economy did create 171,000 jobs last month. that is about 50,000 more than economists forecast. starbucks says global revenue 6%. starbucks plans to continue its treat receipt where customers who buy a drink in the morning can get a discount if they come back in the afternoon.
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and martha stewart living is cutting back on the number of magazines it offers. that will result in an unspecified number of job cuts. it will also try to sell its whole living and health lifestyle magazine. it could save $350 million a $30 million -- plus saying goodbye to the giants after making the ride to the world series.
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good morning. a little chill in the morning air. a lot of 40s. and even patchy fog. nothing too thick. there is a few reports out there. palo alto police are looking for the shoplifters who stole $11,000 worth of bras from a victoria's secret. it happened on halloween. all together 180 bras were stolen. the thief or thieves took the garments from the drawers below the display cases.
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time now 5:54. a crack down on rowdy party people may be taking a step backwards. last year after large fights were caught on camera walnut creek formed a special downtown police team to get things under control. but now staff shortages and budget cuts are forcing those police officers to go back to the regular patrol. last weekend there were 18 arrests. walnut creek police department is also losing its police chief. chief joel briden announced he will retire within the next year. he's giving the city six to eight months to prepare a new chief. before he took at walnut creek job he was the assistant police chief in san diego. lawsuit brought by the former manager of pop tar and x- factor judge britney spears has been dismissed. he had not proven any of his claims. he accused of spears mother of liable and also said he was
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owed a portion of the singers fortune. he said he will appeal. the oakland raiders have been granted an extension in hopes of selling more tickets to prevent a television blackout this sunday. this is the second straight home game the team needed the extension. the raiders host the tampa bay buccaneers and coming off two consecutive wins. if the game is declared a sellout you will be able to see it here on ktvu. the san francisco giants parted ways with aubrey huff. the giants declined his $10 million option for 2013 instead they bought him out for $10 million. but his production after that declined. so aubrey huff becomes a free agent starting tomorrow free agents can sign with other teams. the giants have nine free agents including marco scott row and angel pagan. let's check back in with
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sal. hopefully the commute still no problem. >> it's doing well. we haven't had a lot of crashes. we are getting a little bit more slow traffic but not in the south bay. we are looking at 280 here and getting up to highway 17. if you want to take advantage of a nice commute maybe your small window of opportunity here. same thing goes. you see a little bit more crowding on southbound 680. 5:57 let's go back to you. still ahead a new controversy involving walmart. a protest that is just about to get under way. mail thieves caught on tape in one bay area neighborhood. we'll show you the efforts to track them down. good morning, some fog out there. but the forecast for the weekend is looking warmer. we'll have those numbers coming right up.
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disappearing mail in this fairfield neighborhood had residents taking action. we'll tell you what they caught on video during operation mail thief. also caught on video tape a vicious attack at a san francisco muni station. another controversy involving walmart, a protest that is getting under way right now. a new crime crack
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this morning.


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